Monday, July 21, 2008

Celebrity Oasis - "Spaced" Screening in NYC

Tonight I had the privilege of attending the screening and Q&A session for the DVD release of the British series "Spaced". I can't even remember how I found out about it. Various trollings of my favorite blogs and IMDb stalkage, I'm sure. But as soon as I did, I knew I had to go. Being the good friend that I am, I forced my friend Amy to stand in line for many hours in the sweltering New York heat while I slaved away at work so we could gain entry into the screening. Side note: Are you there, God? It's me, Pop Guru. Please stop boiling the earth. Amen. Anywho, most of you know my unhealthy obsession with the Brits... And by unhealthy, I mean completely believing that I am actually British and choosing to speak as much as possible with a British accent and saying things like "wanker" and "bollocks". One of the many British things that I am obsessed with is Simon Pegg. He just makes me giggle like a school girl. In the show "Spaced", Simon and Jessica Hynes play two best friends who have to pretend to be in a relationship to get a really cheap flat (that's an apartment to you Americans). The show has never been available in America, thus the DVD release (tomorrow, July 22) and subsequent tour to promote the DVD release.

I met Amy and the hundreds of hipsters standing in the blazing heat in East Village around 6pm. Shortly after this, I hear screaming and we turn around to a limo driving by and Simon Pegg hanging out the window waving and screaming to his fans. Then he and Jessica proceeded to walk down the line of fans and high five them, take pictures, etc. Now how many actors, especially someone who has escalated in celebrity like Simon since "Spaced", would spend time greeting their fans in such an exuberant fashion, truly excited to see them? No one. It was such a fantastic sight to see. And of course, I giggled like the bashful little girl I am as I got a high ten (that's right... double high five) from Simon! I mean, it's the least he could do after I got a maximum of 4 people to see Shaun of the Dead. You're welcome for all of that revenue, Simon.

We were finally ushered inside to the air conditioning and got to watch three episodes of "Spaced" that were voted fan favorites. From what I've read since I even heard about the show a month ago, it was sort of the "Arrested Development" of Britian with a cult following and undying praise for the series. I have to say, even without being a Brit (I can't believe I just admitted that), I found it extremely funny and definitely worth a watch. The people in the audience that were fans screamed at their favorite scenes and clapped for their favorite pop culture references. After the screening, Simon, Jessica, and Edgar Wright (director of "Spaced" and Shaun of the Dead) sat down to answer questions regarding the series. It was fun to see them recall the filming of their favorite scenes and just goof off together like old friends. Then they all went about their merry way after graciously allowing the audience to pick their brains.

Afterwards, we were leaving the theater and I gasped as I saw Bill Hader of "Saturday Night Live" standing outside the exit taking pictures with fans. Then I nearly fainted as I realized, PAUL RUDD WAS WITH HIM! I have searched high and low for Paul Rudd since the age of 12, and fate finally brought us together tonight, my friends. I mean, I even rented Over My Dead Body for him. They wouldn't even torture prisoners with that movie it's so horrible, but I suffered through it for Paul. I did get to take this picture with him and about half of my face made it in. That's Amy hogging my one true love. Although, I will say Paul seemed very annoyed but did take pictures with about a hundred people - which I'm sure he has to do everywhere he goes.

Bill Hader was extremely excited to take pictures with fans and was a very nice guy. Funny story... When I worked at Bravo, I was so mesmerized when I saw Bill one day in 30 Rock that I couldn't get my key card to work so I kept slamming my body into the door as I tried to open it... With Bill watching every move I made. Very embarrassing. But needless to say, he was a gentleman tonight and didn't bring up that very significant moment in his life.

Also there was Joe Lo Truglio, one of the cast members of "The State". "The State" was an amazing sketch show in the early 90's that came on after "Beavis and Butthead". I wasn't allowed to watch "Beavis and Butthead" but I would race to the TV to watch "The State" immediately after. I was like 10 or something at the time, but memory served me well and I had a flashback in college to that wonderful show. I became obsessed with it again and began researching everything I could, watching old scenes on YouTube, and forcing all my friends to watch Wet Hot American Summer on repeat. After stammering "I'm such a huge fan of 'The State' and Wet Hot American Summer," Joe excitedly responded "very cool" and obliged with my need to take a picture with him. Below is my picture with Joe and you can see Matt Stone from "South Park" in the background.

It was very clear that they were all friends just hanging out and attending the screening. I felt my heart pounding out of my chest as so many of my worlds collided tonight. It was an unbelievable experience. After going so long without seeing celebrities, my celebrity drought has ended!!! Here's to my finally finding my celebrity oasis in the middle of Manhattan!

So go rent "Spaced" tomorrow! Like you have anything else to do...

Friday, July 11, 2008


La Warner ya tiene al director para llevar al cine el manga de “Akira” de Katsuhiro Otomo, ¿será el más apropiado?Cuando se quiere hace una adaptación de una película que ha marcado tanto y se ha convertido en un film de culto como “Akira” siempre hay un sentimiento de alegría acompañado de ¿la adaptarán tal y como se merece?. Muchas veces esta respuesta la podemos intuir cuando tenemos el nombre del director que la va a dirigir, en el caso del director para “Akira” han sonado diferentes nombres, James Cameron, director de “Terminator 2? o “Titanic” y Stephen Norrignton quien hizo la adaptación de “La Liga de los Hombres Extraordinarios”, pero finalmente “Akira” estará dirigida por Ruairi Robinson, quien no lo conozca debe saber que Ruairi cuenta con tan sólo 29 años y ha estado nominado al Oscar, de momento sólo ha hecho dos cortos de ciencia ficción “The Silent City” y “Fifty Percent Grey”.

para los que no saben de que les hablo

argumento de la obra original
2019: El mundo está al borde de la destrucción absoluta. La tecnología avanzada fue la causa de una terrible explosión que desencadenó una guerra nuclear y devastó las grandes ciudades del planeta. Treinta años después, sobre las ruinas de Tokio, se alza la megalópolis de Neo-Tokio, una ciudad opresiva e inhumana cargada de problemas como el paro, la violencia, la droga y el terrorismo. Las sectas religiosas y los grupos extremistas, aprovechándose de la insatisfacción de los ciudadanos, cultivan el mito de AKIRA, un "niño cobaya" depositario de la "energía absoluta" cuya resurrección significaría para Japón el amanecer de una nueva era.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

AVANCE analisis total de la esquisita espada japonesa

Si hay un arma considerada japonesa por excelencia, si hay un arma que nos venga a la cabeza invariablemente cuando se habla de los Samurai, esta sin duda es la katana.Pero, ¿desde cuando existen las katanas? ¿Hay varios tipos? ¿Cómo se hacen?Estas y otras preguntas intentaré responderlas dentro de lo posible en las siguientes líneas. Aviso de antemano, que este será apenas un pobre resumen, ya que el mundo de la espada japonesa es apasionante. Lleno de detalles, nombres, y mil y un secretos. No conozco ningún arma antigua cuya belleza se comparada con la katana......... CONTINUARA

Slayers FUTURE

Slayers tendrá un tercer manga, que verá la luz en la revista Kero Kero Ace. Provisionalmente titulado Slayers FUTURE, esta vez el guión no será de Hajime Kanzaka, sino de Yoshijirou Muramatsu con dibujo de Shin Sasaki. La historia estará situada en una especie de mundo futuro o paralelo donde la magia no existe, pero donde las armas humanas no pueden vencer a los mazoku. Asi que el joven Light tendrá que pedirles a Lina Inverse y Gourry Gabriev que le enseñen a usar la magia.