Hello everyone! I had the great pleasure of recently seeing Slumdog Millionaire, which you may have heard of through all the internet buzz. It tells the story of Jamal and his rise from the slums of India to fame and fortune. Though he doesn't care about the fame or the fortune - he only cares about one thing... A girl named Latika. He meets Latika when escaping the slums as a young child and he believes it is their destiny to be together. Through tragedy, violence, and many years apart, Jamal still believes he and Latika will live a long, romantic life together. Believing she is watching the show, he goes on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" and does the unthinkable on by getting all of the questions right, and must prove whether or not he is cheating to the Indian authorities.
This isn't your typical Titanic-unrealistic-love-occurs-during-tragedy kind of film. These people go through some really shitty situations (and in one case, that's literal), but the movie still manages to provide laughs as well as a heart warming feeling. I highly recommend it for anyone - it's so good! You must see it!!! It's sure to be nominated for numerous awards. Make sure when you go, stick around for the Bollywood dancing during the credits! And the soundtrack is good, too - I'm not usually a fan of Indian music, but there's even a different rendidtion of M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes" that's a nice new spin on the summer hit. The soundtrack just hit iTunes today and will be available in stores next week. While you're debating what movie to see this holiday season, keep in mind that this is my pick! You're sure to enjoy it!
Monday, November 24, 2008
proclamacion otaku el sentir de I.O.P.A.
hace rato que lo habia escrito pero de alguna forma se habia escapado de ser colocado en el blog

Proclamacion otaku
Eme aquí un fanático de la cultura japonesa
Eme aquí un fanático de la cultura japonesa
expresando mi sentir como otaku
ante una sociedad consumista del vicio de occidente
radicado en un país olvidado por el mundo
pero latente en nuestros corazonesorgulloso
de nacer no solo volverme polvo
sino para dejar mi huella marcada en los ideales de la historia humana
y sobre cualquier obstáculo proclamarme como otaku
vine al mundo marcado como la siguiente generación
pero saldré de este siendo recordado por mis hechos
que mas orgullo me puedo llevar al decir que de este grupo forme parte
quizás no quede inmortalizado en una estatua
en mi nombre no se erigirán monumentos,
ni muco menos cánticos se proclamaran por mi
ni banderas en llamas que ondeen mi imagen
pero tendré la satisfacción de decir
que lo que hice en la vida tendrá eco en la eternidad....
Omar Macre
el juramento de I.O.P.A.