Hope everyone had a fantastic Memorial Day! I wanted to get this post up much, much earlier today, but my Internet had other plans.
While everyone was getting wasted this weekend, so was Lindsay Lohan. La Lohan was arrested early Saturday morning after she drove her car up onto a curb and then fled the scene of the crime. Cops found her in a Century City hospital and her car in a condo parking lot with lots o' damage. There was also a "usable amount" of cocaine found in the car. She was arrested and later released. To make matters worse, Lindsay is still under 21. A few months ago, she left Wonderland, a rehab center where she was an outpatient.
In one of the dumbest moves ever, La Lohan had lined up Svedka Vodka to sponsor her 21st birthday party in July. When you have just gone to rehab to help your image, getting a vodka company to sponsor your birthday is not a smart decision. But she didn't ask me. However, Svedka Vodka has dropped out of the party after Lohan's DUI bust.
And I guess her way of dealing with the embarrassment was to drown her sorrows because the New York Post featured the above picture of LiLo today with the headline "SMASHED!" Lindsay and her friend Samantha Ronson arrived at Teddy's in LA at 2am Monday morning and stayed for two hours. Here's some of what they had to say about what happened when they left Teddy's:
When the "Herbie: Fully Loaded" star left, she stumbled through the back door and dropped her red sunglasses and cigarettes. She bent to pick them up and collapsed, a witness said. A bouncer scooped her off the floor by her waist, and a freaked-out Ronson ran to get the car.
The bouncer placed Lohan, who had a cut on her left hand, into the passenger seat of the GMC - which had three plastic medallions from rehab treatment, each indicating 30 days of sobriety, hanging from the rearview mirror.
"She couldn't stand up anymore," said one witness. "She couldn't even move when she got in the car. Samantha was poking her. She didn't respond. She was totally passed out."
Lindsay entered Promises rehab yesterday while escorted by a lawyer. Here is the statement her publicist made today:
"Lindsay admitted herself to an intensive medical rehabilitation facility on Memorial Day. Because this is a medical matter, it is our hope that the press will appreciate the seriousness of the situation and respect the privacy of Lindsay as well as the other patients receiving treatment at the facility."
I know you may think that hell will freeze over before I feel sorry for Lindsay, but that was truly my first instinct in this case. I hope she actually participates in her rehab program this time and gets some serious help. I hope her dad stops making ridiculous statements to the press about how much he loves his daughter and that he wants to get in contact with her while he reveals details about her personal life. Please Michael Lohan, leave your daughter alone, quit embarrassing her, and stop adding fuel to the media fire. Lindsay will reportedly not be starting work on her new film Poor Things with Shirley Maclaine until after about a month of treatment when she will be given outpatient rights. In the meantime, I'm sure we will be hearing a lot more about the situation and I'll do my best to keep you updated.
Photo: X17online