TMZ has confirmed that Rosie O'Donnell will be announcing today on "The View" that she is leaving the show. I don't know whether to sing "Glory, Glory, Hallejuah" or break down into tears. Will there be no more controversy? Will I never again see Rosie hanging upside down on a swing in rather unflattering spandex pants? Who will replace her? Will Rosie finally beat the tar out of Elisabeth Hasselbeck? Oh, please let that be her going away present!!!
- Happy Birthday to Al Pacino, who turns 66 today!
- The fictional band Spinal Tap from the Christopher Guest crew will perform at Live Aid this summer in London. In other news, I'm thinking of moving to the other side of the pond. They have so many awesome things go on over there. America sucks. All we have is Britney Spears showing her "lady parts" every five minutes.
- Speaking of Brit, Jessica Simpson is trying to pawn off her manager pa, Joe Simpson. Since Britney's career has taken a tumble, Jess seems to think dad Joe can help her out. So this means he will now be going on every show available to talk about how big Britney's boobs are. Only this time it won't be quite as weird because he won't be talking about his daughter.
- Heather Mills can't shake a leg with the best of them. She was sent home last night on "Dancing with the Stars".
- A fire broke out on the set of The Dark Night, the next in the Batman franchise.
- Melanie Brown, aka "Scary Spice", has named her daughter Angel Iris Murphy Brown. She said, "Angel, as she was my little angel through my pregnancy. Iris, as it's my grandma's name, Murphy because he's the dad, and Brown, because I'm the Mum!" Murphy has still not owned up to his paternity.
- Angelina Jolie is trying to change the name of her new child to Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt. I guess those rumors about the Pitts splitting aren't true.
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