Uhhh... Does anyone else feel like they might be arrested for looking at this photo? I mean, really! I think of Zac Efron, star of Hairspray and Disney movie High School Musical, as a minor... A minor whose six-pack I should not be staring at. I know he is 19, but it still feels very inappropriate since he usually plays adolescents. I can't believe Disney ever let this go to press. Walt is rolling over in his grave at this very moment.

- Kevin Federline filed for primary physical custody of Sean Preston and Jayden James Federline today. I'm guessing with the latest Us Weekly cover submitted as evidence, he'll take home those kids for good, as well as any kids within a fifteen mile radius of Britney. The latest scandal for ol' Britney is getting wasted and swimming in a hot tub topless while making out with 21-year-old college student Matt Encinias. Britney just gets classier every second. To see some pictures of this sacred moment, click here. Oh, yeah... She crashed into a parked car this week, too.
- Scary Spice Melanie Brown wed boyfriend Stephen Belafonte in Las Vegas on June 6. She kept that relatively secret, unlike her recent love affair with the media regarding baby daddy Eddie Murphy.
- Amy Winehouse is being treated for exhaustion. Because canceling show after show after show can really take a lot of a performer.

- The new Bachelor is "Southern gentleman" Brad Womack from Texas. And I'm absolutely certain ABC will portray him as a smart, well-educated person. That's how every Southerner is portrayed on reality shows. We have so much to be proud of.
- The MTV Video Music Awards nominees have been announced.
- Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton are expecting their second child together.
- Sara Gilbert, better known as Darlene on "Roseanne", gave birth to a baby girl named Sawyer this week. She and partner Allison Adler also have a son, Levi Hank.
- TMZ is counting down the days until Hayden Panettiere turns 18. Time as of this posting: 12 days, 1 hour, 47 minutes, and 29 seconds.
- I totally get what Kate Hudson sees in Dax Shepherd. Guys who wear headbands are such hot commodities...

Photos: Rolling Stone, Us Weekly, Edward Herrera / ABC, INFdaily.com