Friday, December 26, 2008

Ya inicio el periodo de votación de los premios Anime Rulz!Recuerda ingresar a

vota por tus favoritos "vota por nosotros en donde estemos nominados "


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

cosplay muy poco vistos

jajajaj a veces se me ocurren unas clases de entradas

bien a lo que hiba

generalmente los cosplay que colocamos en I.O.P.A. son en su mayoria de muy elevado niveltodos lo saben!

pero de ves en cuando navegandel mar de TERMINA nos encontramos con algunos cosplay bien interesantes y que mucha gente ni se le a ocurrido realizarlo de estos personajes o animes de un nivel un copo graciosillo o por decirlo asi poco conprendidos

hay les va un microespecial de AVATAR

Friday, December 12, 2008

Desde hace ya algún tiempo el anime ha invadido el mundo, series como Dragon Ball Z, Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon, Evangelion, Pokemon o Digimon, son obras reconocidas a nivel mundial ya no como antaño por unos los japoneses y unos cuantos otakus, publico normal de estos programas, pero con esta globalización del anime otros problemas han venido, la excesiva comercialización, las copias de temas que pegan, (como el ya mencionado Pokemon), han hecho decaer un poco la originalidad de las series, pero no es eso de lo que les voy a hablar ahora sino de una nueva moda que ya hace algún tiempo puso de cabeza a mas de uno los Live Action, ¿que son estos?, a continuación les daré un breve repaso.
Acción en vivo
Precisamente eso es el live action, acción en vivo, este termino proveniente de EUA, se usa cuando una serie de TV o película esta actuada por personas reales y se preguntaran y ¿que nos importa eso?, bueno desde hace unos años los grandes cineastas norteamericanos, algunas televisoras japonesas, (Y una que otro intento chino, con sus excepciones) se han dado a la tarea de retomar animes nuevos y viejos para recrearlos ya sea en la pantalla grande o en la chica y próximamente volveremos a esta moda, que empezara desde hace años con la buenísima cinta City Hunter, pero veamos que se vio ya y viene para este nuevo siglo.

CITY HUNTER: Por allá en 1992 (que tiempos aquellos) nos llegaría esta estupenda película, la cual diría en mi humilde opinión es la mejor lograda hasta el momento a la hora de pasar un anime a su versión en live action, con la dirección Wong Jin, un cineasta reconocido en Hong Kong, así como el guión y la actuación en el papel de Ryo Saeba de Jackie Chan.
Esta película logra explotar como ninguna el humor al estilo anime, golpes, acción, balaceras, muertes sobreactuadas, mazos muchos mazos en la cabeza del famoso Ryo Saeba (el semental de Shinjuku), además de una de las mejores parodias de Street Fighter que se halla visto, esta película puede ser considerada la joya perdida del genero, así que si tienen oportunidad de verla o rentarla háganlo.

Street Figther: La ultima batalla: (1995) Y que bueno que fue la ultima, ¿Qué puedo decir de esta película?, una verdadera tomada de pelo para cualquier fan de Street Fighter, con una actuación sosa y mediocre del señor Jean Claude Van Damme en el papel de Guile y un desaprovechado Raul Julia (QEPD) como M.Bison.
Como si eso no fuera poco gracias a la imitación de guión de Steven E. de Sousa se logró uno de los peores churros a nivel mundial, historia cambiada dejando de lado a Ryu y Ken, (verdaderos protagonistas de la serie), una Chun-Li que deja mucho que desear, un Sagat de 1.70 (cuando el original mide mas de 2 metros) y por supuesto villanos puestos en el papel de buenos y viceversa, esta película muestra a la perfección, que es lo que no se debe hacer a la hora de adaptar un anime, (ya se que primero fue videojuego pero tiene su anime), en resumen otra historia patriotera para que se luzca un boy scout gringo, si llegan a verla ¡¡Corran!!, ya saben sobre aviso no hay engaño.
Under Arrest: Así es las lindas policías de la serie de anime Miyuki Kobayakawa y Natsumi Tsujimoto fueron llevadas no a la pantalla de oro sino a la TV, por parte de la televisora japonesa Asachi y AVEC, en los papeles estelares están Misaki Itou y Sachi Hara.
La obra original de Kousuke Fujishima dura 9 episodios de 45 minutos, donde como siempre la pareja de policías deberá hacer frente a los criminales que azotan Japón.
Sailor Moon: Pretty Guadian: Esta serie ya es todo un hecho confirmado pues desde ya algún tiempo se emite en Japón, con la participación de la autora de la serie original Naoko Takeuchi y de la gente de la compañía CBC-TBS, este popular anime ha sido llevado a la pantalla chica en forma de live-action.
para interpretar a las heroínas consentidas de muchos se llevo a cabo una cuidadosa selección entre diversas I-models, los papeles se los llevaron las siguientes chicas: Usagi Tsukino-Sailor Moon: Miyuu Sawai, Rei Hino-Sailor Mars: Keiko Kitagawa, Ami Mizuno-Sailor Mercury: Chizaki Hama, Minako Aino-Sailor Venus: Ayaka Komatsu y Mokoto Kino-Sailor Jupiter: Miyuu Azama, y aunque que los muñecos de Luna y las pelucas falsas se siguen viendo un tanto exagerados no son mal augurio para este programa de TV que duró aproximadamente 50 capítulos y 2 especiales, lo que si me consta es que aún muchas y muchos esperan que llegue a México de alguna forma.
Ahora un poco de “rumorología” aplicada que nunca pasa de eso:

DBZ: THE MOVIE: Así es el Súper Saiya mas poderoso ( y comelón) del universo y resto de los guerreros Z ,vuelan hacia el cine de Holliwood, eso se ha dicho una y otra vez, se ha confirmado, desmentido y vuelto a desmentir lo que la hace cada vez más lejana, en algún tiempo se habían dicho algunos rumores falsos como este pero la verdad, solo nos quedaría soñar o tener pesadillas pues el anime no es comic y es mucho más difícil de adaptar a la gran pantalla que su primo americano.
Eso si, si esta película que llevara a cabo alguna vez esperemos, por lo menos yo así lo espero, que los “genios” de EUA puedan captar la esencia del anime
EVANGELION: THE MOVIE: El ya casi mítico anime de GAINAX, un anime odiado por muchos, amado por otros, ¿polémico?, si y tal vez sea eso lo que atrajo a tantos fans a esta serie que por mucho tiempo se presumió saltaría al séptimo arte y por ahí rondaron hasta unos supuestos carteles promocionales y con escenas dibujadas a mano de los EVAS para el cine.
Con actores aun por definir la producción sería llevada, si se diera a cabo claro y lo dudo mucho, al igual que DBZ en EU, aunque ha habido rumores de una versión japonesa para este año, solo esperemos que si alguna vez los señores del país de la hamburguesa se animan a realizarlo no conviertan a los personajes en adolescentes típicos de su cultura y nos presenten un Shinji rebelde, una Asuka porrista y una Rei nerd y rechazada.
Bien esta a sido el recorrido por algunas de las series que han saltado del anime al live action, aunque hay otras como Cutei Honey o Karekano de las cuales hablare próximamente por ahora solo quise tocar las más populares, lo que si es seguro que cuando una serie de anime pasa del dibujo a los actores reales pueden suceder dos cosas que pierda mágicamente todo su encanto o que conserve ese carisma con el cual engancho a su publico.

almohadas animes__KAWAII....^_^

si si si asi como lo ven no es una invencion novedosa la almohadas existen desde quien sabe cuando la cosa es que ahora nos las estan haciendo en especial para nosotros,
"para que sigamos gastando nuestro dinero en mas productos" y tu que pensabas, esos son los sacrificios que hay que hacer por ser un buen otaku jajaja NO TE QUEJES


+E AQUI LAS MEJORES DakimakuraS un buen listado

PD: si quieres verlas bien comprate una (odale push a la img de arriba)


James Middleton, el consultor de producción de la serie de televisión Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, ha revelado en una entrevista en que uno de los próximos proyectos dentro de la franquicia de Terminator, es la creación de una serie de cortos animados por autores japoneses y europeos.En la entrevista, compara este proyecto con Animatrix, el spinoff de Matrix, pero con una participación más internacional. El argumento central de los cortos de Termination sería el famoso "Dia del Juicio Final", el día que la IA llamada Skynet lanza el ataque nuclear contra la humanidad, con multiples historias y personajes dentro del rico mundo de Terminator en ese punto de la historia y que ha sido tan poco explorado por las películas.No hay director ni equipo creativo asignado por el momento al proyecto, aunque Middlenton asegura que estaría listo para el 2009.Para los que no estáis al día, The Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles es una serie de televisión que se estrena en USA el 13 de Enero en la cadena FOX. Actualmente hay un proyecto similar entre Studio 4°C, Production I.G, y Madhouse para realizar una serie de cortos sobre Batman para este verano, coincidiendo con el estreno de la nueva película de Cristopher Nolan, El Caballero Oscuro.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Slumdog Millionaire: A Must See!

Hello everyone! I had the great pleasure of recently seeing Slumdog Millionaire, which you may have heard of through all the internet buzz. It tells the story of Jamal and his rise from the slums of India to fame and fortune. Though he doesn't care about the fame or the fortune - he only cares about one thing... A girl named Latika. He meets Latika when escaping the slums as a young child and he believes it is their destiny to be together. Through tragedy, violence, and many years apart, Jamal still believes he and Latika will live a long, romantic life together. Believing she is watching the show, he goes on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" and does the unthinkable on by getting all of the questions right, and must prove whether or not he is cheating to the Indian authorities.

This isn't your typical Titanic-unrealistic-love-occurs-during-tragedy kind of film. These people go through some really shitty situations (and in one case, that's literal), but the movie still manages to provide laughs as well as a heart warming feeling. I highly recommend it for anyone - it's so good! You must see it!!! It's sure to be nominated for numerous awards. Make sure when you go, stick around for the Bollywood dancing during the credits! And the soundtrack is good, too - I'm not usually a fan of Indian music, but there's even a different rendidtion of M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes" that's a nice new spin on the summer hit. The soundtrack just hit iTunes today and will be available in stores next week. While you're debating what movie to see this holiday season, keep in mind that this is my pick! You're sure to enjoy it!

proclamacion otaku el sentir de I.O.P.A.

este post va dedicado a toda la gente que se considera un fan del anime y la cultura japonesa
hace rato que lo habia escrito pero de alguna forma se habia escapado de ser colocado en el blog

Proclamacion otaku

Eme aquí un fanático de la cultura japonesa

expresando mi sentir como otaku

ante una sociedad consumista del vicio de occidente

radicado en un país olvidado por el mundo

pero latente en nuestros corazonesorgulloso

de nacer no solo volverme polvo

sino para dejar mi huella marcada en los ideales de la historia humana

y sobre cualquier obstáculo proclamarme como otaku

vine al mundo marcado como la siguiente generación

pero saldré de este siendo recordado por mis hechos

que mas orgullo me puedo llevar al decir que de este grupo forme parte

quizás no quede inmortalizado en una estatua

en mi nombre no se erigirán monumentos,

ni muco menos cánticos se proclamaran por mi

ni banderas en llamas que ondeen mi imagen

pero tendré la satisfacción de decir

que lo que hice en la vida tendrá eco en la eternidad....
Omar Macre
el juramento de I.O.P.A.
YA VIENE ....... estas list@

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bethenny Goes Moroccan!

Luckily, Pop Guru got an invite to the "Moroccan Style" party tonight, hosted by the "Real Housewife of New York City" herself, Bethenny Frankel. The party showcased the work of several Moroccan caftan designers and musicians. Bethenny welcomed the crowd wearing a beautiful caftan designed just for her and introduced the models, which included "America's Next Top Model"'s Fatima and "Make Me a Supermodel"'s Holly. All "Real Housewives of New York City" were in attendance, except Ramona Singer (where was she?? too good for this? hmm...) Everyone's favorite codependent couple, Alex McCord and Simon van Kempen, were of course shadowing each other throughout the entire event. But the real standout was Countess Luann De Lesseps, who looked absolutely fabulous from head-to-toe in her purple skin-tight dress. She could continue modeling for the rest of her life the way she keeps herself looking unbelievably gorgeous! The event was a hit, including Bethenny's "Skinny Girl Moroccan" specially-made drinks, which were delish! Gotta love that Skinny Girl!

Pete Wentz Opens a New Bar in Time for Baby!

Pop Guru has the exclusive gossip on Pete Wentz's recent bar opening.  Pete opened the newest location of his bar Angels & Kings in Barcelona (the third location, also in New York and Chicago) at the ME Barcelona Hotel.  Pete and his boys from Fall Out Boy performed hits like Thanks for the Memories, Beat It, and Dance Dance for a huge gathering for their Spanish fans, then partied well into the wee hours of the night.  At one point, Pete even scaled the rafters, dangled above crowd, and dazzled all of the fans!!!  Unfortunately, hot mama-to-be Ashlee Simpson-Wentz was nowhere to be seen as she is expected to give birth basically any minute now!

Following the opening of Angels & Kings, Pete and crew began their European tour for their latest album "Folie a Deux".  Make sure you pick up a copy of the album when it hits stores November 4!  

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

PatheticGrrl43 Finally Hits YouTube!

Sweet Dee and Charlie from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" were looking for a way to get famous a few episodes ago, resulting in the creation of PatheticGrrl43. Dee creates a video diary which Charlie finds, then exploits by putting on YouTube. Well, the folks at "Sunny" have finally put it up on YouTube for real and I have posted one of the videos above for your enjoyment. Hopefully Dee's hair won't recede any further, but I'm guessing with her luck, she will continue to live up to the name PatheticGrrl43. "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is on FX every Thursday at 10pm - don't forget to tune in!!

P.S. Congrats to Kaitlin Olson and Rob McElhenney who got hitched a couple of weekends ago!!!

"Kath & Kim" - Not Worth the Hype

A fan of all things British, Australian, or Kiwi (wink, wink Jemaine), naturally I was ecstatic when I heard that the Australian show "Kath & Kim" was getting an American remake for the fall TV season. While I generally can't stand Selma Blair, I assumed pairing her with Molly Shannon might make her a little less annoying and half of a comedy powerhouse. However, I was wrong.

"Kath & Kim" is now available to watch on Yahoo! or you can download the pilot episode for free on iTunes. I downloaded it and watched it on my iPhone whilst wheezing on the elliptical machine at my gym. The best way for me to forget that I'm torturing my body is to watch comedy shows on my iPhone while I'm exercising. My staples: "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and "Samantha Who?". When I realized I could get the pilot of "Kath & Kim" for free, I was giddy with excitement as I have been anticipating it's arrival for months now. But it didn't really result in the laughter blackout I was prepared for.

"Kath & Kim" tells the story of a mother and daughter, Molly Shannon and Selma Blair (MS is actually only 8 years older than SB in real life), who have an extremely dysfucntional relationship and have yet to realize the early 90's are over. They dress in horrendous outfits usually consisting of ill-fitting spandex and generally act like children, especially Kim. But spandex can only get you so many laughs before you start wondering when something funny is going to happen. Kim leaves her husband because he wants her to do stuff, like microwave dinner every once in a while. Kath is dating a sandwich artist. And...... that's about it. I was greatly disappointed that this is all the show had to offer. I know the physical comedy of her Mary Katherine Gallagher days are long behind us, but I was expecting more of Molly Shannon. Selma Blair has absolutely perfected the whiny brat character she plays in every film and was obviously the inspiration for Meredith Grey. She just annoyed me as usual, so bravo on that note for living up to my expectations!

It's just the pilot, and pilots are usually the worst episodes of an entire series. I wasn't so sure about "30 Rock" when I saw that pilot either, but I've since fallen in love with Liz Lemon and the antics of the crew at "TGS". So don't take my word for it... Give "Kath & Kim" a chance when it premieres on NBC Thursday night at 8:30pm. I'm going to keep watching... for now. If after three episodes it has still yet to impress, I'll give it the kiss of death (remove it from the DVR). I had higher hopes for this much hyped show, but I think we might be better off trying to find episodes online of the original version from the Outback.

Photo: via

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Emmy Awards Tonight at 8pm!

It’s that time of year again. Fall is on its way, the leaves are changing, and the red carpet is rolling out for a long award season. So exciting!!! I have feelings of bliss overwhelming me just knowing that in a few hours time The Emmys will start, I will be able to use my magnificent gift of sight and wit to judge every dress that walks down that red carpet. It just makes me so happy! I’m watching the E! Preshow as we speak, and I feel it necessary to share with the masses that Ryan Seacrest is not that tall. He is most definitely standing on a platform. Oh, Napoleon…

Anywho, what’s an awards show without Pop Guru’s opinions? So I thought I would go for the usual format of who I think should win followed by who will actually win. You can see the full list of nominees here. Please to enjoy…

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series:

Tina Fey, “30 Rock”
Christina Applegate, “Samantha Who?”
Julia Louis-Dreyfus,”The New Adventures of Old Christine”
America Ferrera, “Ugly Betty”
Mary-Louise Parker, “Weeds”

Who Should Win: Tina Fey. I thoroughly enjoy watching the neurotic Liz Lemon every Thursday for two reasons: 1) She’s hysterical. 2) Her terrifying level of craziness makes me feel a little less crazy, so it’s like a 30 minute self-help session for me. And all I had to do was pay for my cable bill.

My vote would have normally gone to Mary-Louise Parker in the years past, but “Weeds” has really gone in the shitter these last two seasons and I’m almost at my breaking point. Will I watch next season? Yes, but it may be my last… Christina Applegate is funny (a tad campy) on “Samantha Who?”, however, she doesn’t beat Tina. I absolutely despise that “Old Christine” show and would rather drive pencils into my eyes than watch that, so Julia Louis-Dreyfus does not get my vote. I don’t watch “Ugly Betty”, but I kinda want America Ferrera to win so Maria Menonous can hurl insults at her again on live television. What a great moment in history that was.

Who Will Win: Most likely Tina. Whoop whoop! Here’s to you, Lemon!

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series:

Alec Baldwin, “30 Rock”
Tony Shalhoub, “Monk”
Lee Pace, “Pushing Daisies”
Steve Carell, “The Office”
Charlie Sheen, “Two and a Half Men”

Who Should Win: Alec Baldwin. He may be batshit crazy in real life, but that man is gold on the screen. He delights as Jack Donaghey and man, does he do an amazing impression of the cast of “Good Times”! My next vote would go to Steve Carell, who still manages to make me laugh as Michael Scott.

Who Will Win: Alec – expect “30 Rock” to take home most of the awards! And as far as Supporting Actor is concerned, it’s Neil Patrick Harris’ year to shine! He better take home the award for his hysterical portrayal of Barney on “How I Met Your Mother”.

Special mention: I wish Charlie Day from “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” was nominated. That little guy deserves an award for his stellar dance moves as Green Man. Simply amazing!

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series:

Sally Field, “Brothers & Sisters”
Glenn Close, “Damages”
Mariska Hargitay, “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit”
Holly Hunter, “Saving Grace”
Kyra Sedgwick, “The Closer”

Who Should Win: Hmmm… This is a tough one. “Brothers & Sisters” is an absolutely terrible show. I just have a hard time looking at Calista Flockhart’s face for an hour. It hurts my eyes. I really like both Holly Hunter (who is scarily skinny in person, by the way) and Kyra Sedgwick, but I have to say my vote goes to Mariska. I never tire of watching “Law & Order: SVU”, until I remember that I live in NYC and it freaks me out. Mariska was just being interviewed by Ryan Seacrest and I love her tangerine dress! Not many people could pull off that color.

Who Will Win: I don’t know, but I’m guessing Glenn Close. She seems to win lots of awards, so why not this one?

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series:

James Spader, “Boston Legal”
Bryan Cranston, “Breaking Bad”
Michael C. Hall, “Dexter”
Hugh Laurie, “House”
Gabriel Byrne, “In Treatment”
Jon Hamm, “Mad Men”

Who Should Win: It’s no secret that my vote goes to Michael C. Hall. He is phenomenal as Dexter Morgan and has been robbed every other time he has been nominated. No way is Hugh Laurie better than Michael! Don’t be fooled by that British accent! And that’s saying a lot for me. I think that’s the first time I have ever chosen something American over something British. Ever. Although, I watched a few episodes of “Breaking Bad” and Bryan Cranston really did a great job as a terminally ill chemistry teacher desperately trying to make money for his family by selling crystal meth. It’s nice to see Bryan do so well in a dramatic role because I really didn’t think he was capable of doing anything but comedy after “Malcolm in the Middle”.

Who Will Win: Maybe Michael C. Hall will actually go home with the gold this year. But Hugh Laurie typically wins awards and the masses are obsessed with”Mad Men” so Jon Hamm has a good chance.

Outstanding Comedy Series:

“30 Rock”
“Curb Your Enthusiasm”
“The Office”
“Two and a Half Men”

Who Should Win: “30 Rock”! It really is one of the funniest shows on television. But I’m a little worried about the mass quantity of guest stars. When you bring Oprah on your show, you’re pretty much asking for her to take over as Executive Producer and add it to her pursuit for world domination. Damn you, Oprah!

Who Will Win: “30 Rock”. But maybe “The Office”. I love “The Office”, but I don’t think it’s as funny now as it was in the beginning. Maybe Ricky Gervais had it right when he ended the UK version after two seasons.

Outstanding Drama Series:

“Boston Legal”
“Mad Men”

Who Should Win: Um, I’m sorry but I had no idea “Boston Legal” was still on television. Will William Shatner ever take a break? Geez! Please don’t let this show win! I’ve watched it several times and I have no idea why it keeps getting nominated. Make it stop. My vote most certainly goes to “Lost”. That show manages to keep me glued to my TV screen for an hour and then I spend the entire next week trying to figure out what is going to happen. It’s got thousands of websites and communities of Losties devoted to it and continues to shock and amaze week to week. They even have special commercials that play during the broadcasts that give clues into the Dharma Initiative. It just amazes me how interactive this show is. “Lost” should definitely take home the gold, but if not “Lost”, “Dexter” comes in at a close second.

Who Will Win: “Mad Men” is the new favorite of all the critics, so I’m pretty sure this one will win. It’s been on my Netflix Queue under “Very Long Wait” so I have no idea when I will ever be able to watch it! One day!

So there’s my thoughts on the nominees. I’ve been watching the celebs pour in and judging their every move. America Ferrera should not be wearing that blood red lipstick! Ah! Seacrest is butchering these interviews and Marcia Cross looks like a Magnolia Bakery cupcake. Woohoo – Denis Leary is being interviewed now and he needs my full attention. Enjoy the show!!!

Oh and as an added treat, celebrity sighting of the weekend: Kirsten Dunst walking around SoHo at Houston and MacDougal with some hipster boy (and no, it wasn't Justin Long). Also, two girls from last year's reality show "Fashionista Diaries" were boozing at the beer garden in Astoria.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008



Sunday, September 7, 2008

Matthew Broderick - Minus a Bracelet

Reports have been circulating all summer that Matthew Broderick had quite the affair with a 25 year old youth counselor while Sarah Jessica Parker was filming Sex and the City: The Movie. Apparently he met the redheaded mistress in a Manhattan bar and began a four-month long relationship with the woman, who nicknamed him "Matty Cakes" - gag. Sources say MB and SJP are trying to work it out for little James Wilkie. The two have been seen wearing white unity bracelets as part of their efforts to fix their marriage.

However, Pop Guru and a friend went for a brunch on this lovely sunny Sunday and Matthew happened to walk by after a trip to the local Citarella. Matthew was most definitely NOT wearing his white unity bracelet... Hmmmm... What does this mean? Are SJP and MB no longer trying to make it work? Is SJP out of town and that gives him an excuse to take off the dumb bracelet? Or does he simply just not care? I'm just baffled that someone would find him sexually irresistible enough to actually commit adultery with him. SJP's basically paying the bills with SatC and her stinky perfumes, so why would Matthew try to screw over his meal ticket? Shame, shame. What happened to you, Ferris Bueller?

Also spotted this weekend, Natalie Portman and Lauren Hutton dining at Bar Pitti (at separate times). Kimora Lee Simmons and Djimon Hounsou walked around in the West Village with little Aoki Lee on Friday. Debbie Matenopoulos ate at Da Silvano with friends on Saturday. Seth Meyers looking like he had just rolled out of bed strolling down 7th Avenue.

Photo: Splash

Thursday, September 4, 2008

armadura sagitario real

Así como lo ven… la armadura dorada de Sagitario existe, es real, tangible ya no es una fantasia con la que muchos sueñan:
Hecha en plastico y cubierta por una capa dorada de 24 caras, esta creación de la Armadura dorada de Sagitario pesa entre 20 y 30 kilos aproximadamente y puede ser vestida.

En el evento de figuras de Bandai, Tamashii Nation 2008, se mostró la réplica de de una de las armaduras más queridas de la serie animada Saint Seiya, como parte de la serie de figuras Myth Cloth.

La armadura puede ser vestida, pero no esperemos milagros…no se transforma en la constelación.

Monday, August 11, 2008

apertura 2008

fotos general

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Kendra Wilkinson in Cabo

A friend sent me information regarding Kendra Wilkinson's recent vacation and I'm just finally getting around to posting it. Sorry for the delay, but here it is... Finally!

She says, "Kendra Wilkinson, and her Playboy friends, Brittany Binger (Miss June 2007) & Sara Underwood (2007’s Playmate of the Year), just returned to LA from indulging in a relaxing vacation at ME Cabo in Los Cabos.

They spent a good amount of time lounging on the balcony and in the hot tub of their Presidential Suite. They also drank beer and munched on guacamole poolside on the daybeds adjacent to ME Cabo's Nikki Beach. Before leaving, the girls indulged in the resort’s signature Roses and Champagne massage at Yhi Spa. Kendra was astounded that ME Cabo served watermelon juice at their Passion Club Restaurant & Lounge. She’d never been anywhere that served watermelon juice!

Also, contrary to all the hot gossip going on right now about Kendra feuding with Hef’s other girlfriends, Holly and Bridget, I can personally attest that the rumors all false. I was with Kendra all week, and she had nothing but positive things to say about her fellow mansion-mates. She was texting them while she was there to tell them what a blast she was having! Take that, Page Six!"

Here are some exclusive pictures from the trip...