Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Pop Guru's Annual Oscar Fashion Review!
Well, the beauty of borrowing internet is that it's unpredictable - I couldn't post my fashion review last night because my internet was out. Guess I should pay for it! What a fab show on Sunday! Hugh Jackman, in all his girlish glory, actually did a pretty good job as the host. I really liked the musical numbers, and what would any award show be without Beyonce forcibly thrusting herself into the spotlight. The Oscars have nothing to do with you, you egotistical maniac! You and Mama Tina need to realize the Dreamgirls moment has passed and finally accept the fact that Jennifer Hudson aka "American Idol" has an Oscar and you never will! Beyonce is one unnecessary parade away from being Tyra Banks.
Although the show was ridiculously long, I loved the way past Oscar winners came out to introduce each nominee in the main categories. Ben Stiller's impersonation of Joaquin Phoenix was hysterical and finally convinced me it's all a hoax. My favorite moment by far was when Kate Winslet yelled out, "Dad, whistle or something so then I'll know where you are!" So cute, and I'm really so happy for her that she was finally given the award she deserved. Although, not so happy she chose such a matronly dress and hairdo. Just cause you got the golden statue doesn't mean you need to dress like a Golden Girl!
I know I'm not the only one who thought it was cold hearted that they showed Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie during Jennifer Aniston's moment on stage. It was expected but I thought The Oscars might be better than that - boy, was I wrong! That was just so tacky. I absolutely loved Jennifer's hair, although it was "Hills" hair and I'll just have to come to terms with my support of that. Oh, who am I kidding?! I sport a ginormous Lauren Conrad Mark by Avon ring!
Now on to the fashion... Wasn't much to look at this year! Most of it was humdrum or flat out ugly. I'm talking about you, Miley. I'm not sure if the stars are pulling a Nicolette Sheridan and being their own stylists because of the recession, but whatever the reason, they need a fashion bailout plan FAST!
Best Dressed:

Though Tina Fey didn't walk the red carpet, she was one of the most stunning of the night! This dress fit her like a glove and it was just the right amount of cleavage, not overboard like she was at the Golden Globes!

Diane Lane hardly looked a day over 40! This really doesn't do her justice because she glowed on TV!

Taraji P. Henson was so cute and grateful to even be at The Oscars, but she really pulled off a classic red carpet look. I loved her hair! The small red handbag added just the right pop of color to the crisp white dress.
Ugh, as much as I hate to say nice things about Skeletor, I liked this ensemble. Classic black dress with a grandiose flair by pairing it with sparkling green earrings. I thought Debbie Matenopolus was going to hurl herself from the scaffolding upon Angelina Jolie when she arrived. Debbie actually forgot she was on TV and started screeching "ANGIE!!!" and jumping up and down. Like a real professional. Debbie was having a major sugar rush from the one Skittle she had eaten that day, so her hysteria when she saw her Anorexia Idol was completely understandable.

By far the best and most fabulous of the night! Natalie Portman dared to wear a flashy color, yet didn't overdo it a la Heidi Klum and opted for minimal jewelry. Sophisticated yet bold - ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!
Worst Dressed:

Let ze Heidi Klum drape zeself in a red satin sheet that corresponds with ze gazillion Diet Coke Heart Healthy commercials that aired during ze telecast - no one will ever be ze wiser to ze subliminal messaging! Oh Zack Morris, how you have taught me so much in ze ways of wiling women! Auf wiedersehen!

Why must such a gorgeous girl pick such a terrible dress! Freida Pinto has chosen gorgeous dresses all season long, and now she chooses this wretched thing with the mono sleeve? Ew. I have never been a fan of the one sleeve look - sleeves are meant to come with a partner or not at all!

Um, no. Vanessa Hudgens looks like a teen Elvira. Why must Disney Teens invade my award shows? Doesn't she have a Nickelodeon's Kid Choice Awards she should be at right now?

Miley Cyrus = Hot Mess. I don't even know what this is. I feel as if it is something that might come from the sea, some kind of crackwhore mermaid emerging from the water to post YouTube videos and slowly destroy humanity.

This picture proves we should never let Whoopi Goldberg out of her cage.

Photos: AP Images
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hello, hello! Hope everyone is pumped about the Oscars tonight!! I know I am! I'm already watching the E! Preshow coverage. OMG - please stop grabbing your boobs, Debbie Matenopolous. Ugh, can't stand her. No wonder Barbara Walters kicked her off "The View." Anyhow, there's supposedly going to be a lot of suprises tonight - I sure hope so! I mean, not of the Chris Brown a la Grammys style, but you know something scandalous like a Brangelina-Aniston run in. Should be a fun night! Sidenote: Speaking of surprises, Nicole Richie and Joel Madden are going to have another baby. Perhaps a sis for little Harlow.
Tonight's host is Hugh Jackman. Ol' Twinkle Toes is going to wow us with his singing and dancing, apparently trying to keep the entertainment as low budge as possible. Remember his musical CBS show "Viva Loughlin"? Yeah, nobody does since it was cancelled after one episode. I don't know if the world can handle any more of his musical stylings...
I gave some predictions after the nominations were announced, but just as a refresher:
Best Actor:
Richard Jenkins - The Visitor
Frank Langella - Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn - Milk
Brad Pitt - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke - The Wrestler
Showdown! The media is abuzz that this will be a head-to-head match between Mickey Rourke and Sean Penn. Rourke has been taking home all of the awards, including the Independent Spirit Award last night. He gave a bit of a rambling speech about his dog Loki that died last week and Eric Roberts, who he claims is one of the best actors around. If Eric Roberts is a fantastic actor, then Tila Tequila deserves to be noted for her amazing skills as an actress. Please. But we all know Mickey likes his "candy," which obviously leads to his rambling and fashion choices. The video is entertaining though - definitely take a look.
Sean Penn did a fantastic job in Milk. It really was a good film and he embodied Harvey Milk perfectly. He's always the media's Prince of Awards, so he may just take home the gold. It will be a fight to the finish between these two.
Best Actress:
Anne Hathaway - Rachel Getting Married
Angelina Jolie - Changeling
Melissa Leo - Frozen River
Meryl Streep - Doubt
Kate Winslet - The Reader
This could be a toss-up. Every one of these women have been voted to win by the media outlets, so it could be a shock who wins. Anne Hathaway is so young, so I think it would be great for her to be given time to continue to hone her skills. It's most likely going to come down to Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep. Kate did a phenomenal job in The Reader. I loved her in that movie and definitely think she should win. But damn, does that girl love to be naked! I've seen her naked more than I've seen myself. She did just say she's going to stop with all the nudity in her films, but we'll see if she can stand the feel of clothing for too long.
Best Supporting Actor:
Josh Brolin - Milk
Robert Downey Jr. - Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour Hoffman - Doubt
Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight
Michael Shannon - Revolutionary Road
It seems like every category this year is unpredictable! This one will come down to Heath Ledger and Josh Brolin. Though Ledger is somewhat of a shoe-in, the media has been pushing for Brolin to win as of late. He did a great job playing the unhinged Dan White in the film, but the award could go to Ledger as people are wanting to honor him.
Best Supporting Actress:
Amy Adams - Doubt
Penelope Cruz - Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Viola Davis - Doubt
Taraji P. Henson - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei - The Wrestler
I'm pretty certain this award will go to Penelope Cruz. Though I think she's terrible in most everything else, she was wonderful in Vicky Cristina Barcelona. She really added the pizazz to the film. I feel like she always wears the same style dress in light pink, so let's hope she opts to add some pizazz to her ensemble tonight.
Best Picture:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Ah, the moment you've all been waiting for... My choice is Slumdog Millionaire, but I will still be a happy camper if The Reader takes home the gold. I loved both films and think they are both worthy of the win. Slumdog was more heartwarming though and has swept all of the award shows so far. Milk stands a chance, but not so sure it will be able to beat these other two. Curious Case has the most nominations with thirteen so it's bound to win something, just not this category. Frost/Nixon was good, but the film lost a lot of the power that the live performance had. The pivotal part when Nixon admits his wrongdoing is more of a passing moment, while it packed much more of a punch in the play. Worth seeing, but not worth the gold.
We'll see who wins tonight when the show starts at 8pm on ABC! I can't wait! Time to go prepare my dish for the Oscar Party! I'm so pumped about tonight's festivities. I'm most excited about the glamourous dresses, and of course the chance to judge celebrities! Look for my fashion update tomorrow. Everyone enjoy the show tonight!! I'll be Twittering throughout so follow me @PopGuru!
Tonight's host is Hugh Jackman. Ol' Twinkle Toes is going to wow us with his singing and dancing, apparently trying to keep the entertainment as low budge as possible. Remember his musical CBS show "Viva Loughlin"? Yeah, nobody does since it was cancelled after one episode. I don't know if the world can handle any more of his musical stylings...
I gave some predictions after the nominations were announced, but just as a refresher:
Best Actor:
Richard Jenkins - The Visitor
Frank Langella - Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn - Milk
Brad Pitt - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke - The Wrestler
Showdown! The media is abuzz that this will be a head-to-head match between Mickey Rourke and Sean Penn. Rourke has been taking home all of the awards, including the Independent Spirit Award last night. He gave a bit of a rambling speech about his dog Loki that died last week and Eric Roberts, who he claims is one of the best actors around. If Eric Roberts is a fantastic actor, then Tila Tequila deserves to be noted for her amazing skills as an actress. Please. But we all know Mickey likes his "candy," which obviously leads to his rambling and fashion choices. The video is entertaining though - definitely take a look.
Sean Penn did a fantastic job in Milk. It really was a good film and he embodied Harvey Milk perfectly. He's always the media's Prince of Awards, so he may just take home the gold. It will be a fight to the finish between these two.
Best Actress:
Anne Hathaway - Rachel Getting Married
Angelina Jolie - Changeling
Melissa Leo - Frozen River
Meryl Streep - Doubt
Kate Winslet - The Reader
This could be a toss-up. Every one of these women have been voted to win by the media outlets, so it could be a shock who wins. Anne Hathaway is so young, so I think it would be great for her to be given time to continue to hone her skills. It's most likely going to come down to Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep. Kate did a phenomenal job in The Reader. I loved her in that movie and definitely think she should win. But damn, does that girl love to be naked! I've seen her naked more than I've seen myself. She did just say she's going to stop with all the nudity in her films, but we'll see if she can stand the feel of clothing for too long.
Best Supporting Actor:
Josh Brolin - Milk
Robert Downey Jr. - Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour Hoffman - Doubt
Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight
Michael Shannon - Revolutionary Road
It seems like every category this year is unpredictable! This one will come down to Heath Ledger and Josh Brolin. Though Ledger is somewhat of a shoe-in, the media has been pushing for Brolin to win as of late. He did a great job playing the unhinged Dan White in the film, but the award could go to Ledger as people are wanting to honor him.
Best Supporting Actress:
Amy Adams - Doubt
Penelope Cruz - Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Viola Davis - Doubt
Taraji P. Henson - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei - The Wrestler
I'm pretty certain this award will go to Penelope Cruz. Though I think she's terrible in most everything else, she was wonderful in Vicky Cristina Barcelona. She really added the pizazz to the film. I feel like she always wears the same style dress in light pink, so let's hope she opts to add some pizazz to her ensemble tonight.
Best Picture:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Ah, the moment you've all been waiting for... My choice is Slumdog Millionaire, but I will still be a happy camper if The Reader takes home the gold. I loved both films and think they are both worthy of the win. Slumdog was more heartwarming though and has swept all of the award shows so far. Milk stands a chance, but not so sure it will be able to beat these other two. Curious Case has the most nominations with thirteen so it's bound to win something, just not this category. Frost/Nixon was good, but the film lost a lot of the power that the live performance had. The pivotal part when Nixon admits his wrongdoing is more of a passing moment, while it packed much more of a punch in the play. Worth seeing, but not worth the gold.
We'll see who wins tonight when the show starts at 8pm on ABC! I can't wait! Time to go prepare my dish for the Oscar Party! I'm so pumped about tonight's festivities. I'm most excited about the glamourous dresses, and of course the chance to judge celebrities! Look for my fashion update tomorrow. Everyone enjoy the show tonight!! I'll be Twittering throughout so follow me @PopGuru!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
semana de la cultura japonesa

bueno gente llego por fin el evento que estabamos esperando la semana de cultura japonesa o como yo le digo "SCUJAPO" no le hagan muxo caso a lo anterior
bueno a continuacion la info ,cronograma de cada dia al maximo detalle que se pueda, y lo mas esperado de todo el dia PoP el 14 donde I.O.P.A. dira presente una ves mas como buenos otakus que somos
7 de marzo Sábado, marzo
Por la mañana
En la Biblioteca Nacional, Sala Extranjera (1piso)
10:30 La Apertura de la Sala11:00
Ceremonia de la inauguración de la Semana de la Cultura Japonesa.
11:05 Palabras del Embajador de Japón, Su Excelencia Makoto Misawa
11:10 Baile típico de Japón “YOSAKOI”
11:15 Desfile de Moda de KIMONO
11:30 Demostración de la Ceremonia de Té
12:00 Demostración de AIKIDO (una técnica tradicional de protegerse sin armas)
12:15 Demostración de KENDO (Arte para entrenar a los Samuráis)¡Tenemos en la Sala exbibidos la Presentación de Fotos de Japón, Bonsais y areglosflorales!
12:00 Término del Acto
Por la tarde
En la Biblioteca Nacional, Sala Extranjera (1piso)(las actividades de este día están abiertas para todas las edades)
14:00-16:00 Talleres de Origami, Cursos de Japonés, Pruebas de Yukata (KIMONOde verano para las niñas y niños y para las adultas)
14:30-18-30 Talleres de Go Juego tradicional de los caballeros japoneses. (seapreciará un animé japonés “HIKARU NO GO” antes de comenzar a jugar GO)
16:30-18:00 Práctica AIKIDO (una técnica tradicional de protegerse sin armas)Obs.: Los que quieran participar en AIKIDO, tiene que estar listo para esa práctica,por ejemplo, tener las uñas cortas y cabello recogido en el caso de tenga el largo.
En el Teatro en CírculEn Círculo
19:00-21:00 Película Japonesa Popular SWING GIRLS (con subtítulo en español)
Domingo, Día 8 de marzo
En el Cinepolis
14:00 CINE GRATUITO y DOBLADO EN ESPAÑOL"Doraemon el gato Cósmico y el pequeño Dinosaurio"
14:10 palabras del Embajador de Japón Su Excelencia Makoto Misawa
14:15 Presentación o introducción al Animé japonés dictado por Profesor de laUniversidad Tecnológica de Panamá José Rolando.
14: 25 "Doraemon el gato Cósmico y el pequeño Dinosaurio"
16:10 Término
18:00 Presentación o introducción al Animé japonés dictado por Profesor de laUniversidad Tecnológica de Panamá José Rolando.
18:10 Película “La Princesa Mononoke”En Teatro en CírculEn Círculo
*16:00-18:00 Película Japonesa Popular “WATER BOYS” (Cómico, Con subtítulo enEspañol)*19:00-21:00 Película Japonesa Popular “VENCEREMOS ALGÚN DÍA” (ConSubtítulo en Español)
Lunes, 9 de marzo
En la Biblioteca Nacional, Sala Extranjera (1piso)
10:00-12:00 Talleres de Origami (para todas las edades) y Cursos de Japonés(para los niños de 6 a 16)
14:00-16:00 Talleres de Origami (para todas las edades) y Cursos de Japonés(para los de 16 en adelante)
En Teatro en Círculo
19:00-21:00 Película Japonesa Popular “MI GRANDPA” (Con subtítulo en Español)*******************************************
Martes, 10 de, marzo
En la Biblioteca Nacional, Sala Extranjera (1piso)
10:00-12:00 Talleres de Origami (para todas las edades) y Cursos de Japonés(para los niños de 6 a 16)
14:00-16:00 Talleres de Origami (para todas las edades) y Cursos de Japonés(para los de 16 en adelante)
18:00-20:00 Talleres de GO Juego tradicional de los caballeros japoneses. (seapreciará un animé japonés “HIKARU NO GO” antes de comenzar a jugar GO)En Teatro en Círculo
19:00-21:00 Película Japonesa Popular “EL ROSTRO DE JIZO” (Con subtítulo enEspañol)
Miércoles, 11 de marzo
En la Biblioteca Nacional, Sala Extranjera (1piso)
10:00-12:00 Talleres de Origami (para todas las edades) y Cursos de Japonés(para los niños de 6 a 16)
14:00-16:00 Talleres de Origami (para todas las edades) y Cursos de Japonés(para los de 16 en adelante)En Teatro en Círculo
19:00-21:00 Película Japonesa Popular “ALBUM DEL PUEBLO” (Con subtítulo enEspañol
Jueves, 12 de marzo
En Teatro en Círculo19:00-21:00 Película Japonesa Popular “LA CHICA QUE SALTABA EN EL TIEMPO(Con subtítulo en Español)
Viernes, 13 de marzo
En Cinepolis
19:00 Pelúcula “La Princesa Mononoke”En Teatro en Círculo
19:00-21:00 Película Japonesa Popular “VENCEREMOS ALGÚN DÍA”(Con subtítulo en Español)

Sábado, 14 de marzo
En el Domo de la Universidad de Panamá Evento de Animé y Cultura POP
12:00- 19:00 Concurso de Cosplay,
Concurso de Dibujo,
Documentales TeatroAnimé,
TV juegos,
Pasarela de Moda Japonesa,
Presentación de J-POP.
En Cinepolis
14:00-16:15 Película “La Princesa Mononoke”
18:00-20:15 Película “La Princesa Mononoke”
En Teatro en Círculo
16:00-18:00 Película Japonesa Popular “MI GRANDPA” (Con subtítulo en español)
19:00-21:00 Película Japonesa Popular “WATER BOYS” (Con subtítulo enEspañol)*******************************************
Domingo, 15 de marzo
En Cinepolis
14:00-16:15 Película “La Princesa Mononoke”En Teatro en Círculo
16:00-18:00 Película Japonesa Popular “SWING GIRLS” (Con subtítulo enEspañol)
lunes 16
bueno ese dia no hay nada jajaja solo descansr despues de tanta cultura
para ese dia espero ser todo un sabio en cultura japonesa mucho mas de lo que el anime me a enseñado a traves de los años
Thursday, February 12, 2009
saint seiya noticias

Ya hay más información sobre el nuevo anime de Saint Seiya basado en el manga de Shiori Teshirogi y Masami Kurumada Saint Seiya Lost Canvas (聖闘士星矢 THE LOST CANVAS 冥王神話). La historia de la guerra sagrada anterior a la que se desarrolla en la historia original.
Los artistas que doblarán en este anime son:
Aya Hirano interpretará a Sasha, la resurrección de Athena en la historia de Lost Canvas, otro gran papel para la Idol del momento.
Hiro Shimono será Alone, la encarnación de Hades. Él ha sido Kai en Gegege no Kitaro, Ken Robbins en Kaleido Star, Jin Mikuriya en Kannagi y varios más.
Tetsuya Kakihara actuará a Tenma, el caballero de Pegaso, él ha interpretado a Akiba en Kanagi,
También se dice que la serie constará de 13 OVA’s pero no es oficial aun.
Y a seguir esperando impacientemente.
Y algunas páginas del manga, las armaduras.

de que color es piccolo????
este interesante video lo encontre en lo nuevo de ISE panama hey exelente man la botaron "en serio"
cowboy bebop live action

La Fox está preparando una película en acción real sobre este anime. Al parecer, quieren estrenar la película en 2010, para lo cual están ya tomando decisiones.
La primera es que, según la fuente de la noticia, ya tienen atado a Keanu Reeves para que sea el protagonista, es decir, para que interprete a Spike Spiegel. Lo que no hay aún es ni guionista ni director contratados para este proyecto; teniendo en cuenta que queda poco más de un año para la fecha en que quieren lanzar la película, más les vale darse prisa si no quieren hacer una gran interrogante como la película de Dragon Ball.
Raro parece que un actor se haya comprometido a hacer una película sin tener guión alguno. Al parecer a Keanu Reeves le gustan los papeles de héroe ya que anteriormente protagonizo Constantine. Ahora bien, la película de Constantine resulta buena pero algunas no la consideran así por la acutación de Keanu, la cual califican de mediocre. Por lo tanto ¿es una buena elección para la película de Cowboy Bebop?
Algo que todos los que han visto el anime admiran es la banda sonora. A mí personalmente me entra la duda ¿Utilizarán la banda sonora original o harán una nueva? a mí por lo menos me agradaría que usarán algo para hacerle algún guiño a la obra original
como pasa con casi todos los animes exitosos comiensan los locos obsecivos a crear afiches y banners de lo que seria la obra en cuestion
abajo dos ejemplos

transformers 2
La batalla por la Tierra ha terminado, pero la batalla por el universo acaba de empezar. Después de volver a Cybertron, Starscream asume el mando de los Decepticons, y ha decidido regresar a la Tierra con más fuerza. Los Autobots creen que la paz es posible, pero descubren que el cadáver de Megatron ha sido robado de las instalaciones militares de Skorpinox. Megatron revive valiéndose de su propia chispa y buscan venganza con más refuerzos Decepticon, los Autobots intentaran hacerles frente.
La batalla por la Tierra ha terminado, pero la batalla por el universo acaba de empezar. Después de volver a Cybertron, Starscream asume el mando de los Decepticons, y ha decidido regresar a la Tierra con más fuerza. Los Autobots creen que la paz es posible, pero descubren que el cadáver de Megatron ha sido robado de las instalaciones militares de Skorpinox. Megatron revive valiéndose de su propia chispa y buscan venganza con más refuerzos Decepticon, los Autobots intentaran hacerles frente.
VIENE EL FIN DEL MUNDO KARAJO......... el 2009 esta cada ves mejor esperemos que dragon ball "evolution" no termine siendo la porqueria que todos sabemos que va a hacer XD.....
si transformer 2 esta asi de buena y no me refiero a la mikaela "si no has visto la primera no tendras ni idea"
no me quiero ni imaginar como seria ver evangelion con esta calidad
PD: linkin park tendra nuevamente a su cargo el sound track principal
++++amanecera y veremos++++
La batalla por la Tierra ha terminado, pero la batalla por el universo acaba de empezar. Después de volver a Cybertron, Starscream asume el mando de los Decepticons, y ha decidido regresar a la Tierra con más fuerza. Los Autobots creen que la paz es posible, pero descubren que el cadáver de Megatron ha sido robado de las instalaciones militares de Skorpinox. Megatron revive valiéndose de su propia chispa y buscan venganza con más refuerzos Decepticon, los Autobots intentaran hacerles frente.
VIENE EL FIN DEL MUNDO KARAJO......... el 2009 esta cada ves mejor esperemos que dragon ball "evolution" no termine siendo la porqueria que todos sabemos que va a hacer XD.....
si transformer 2 esta asi de buena y no me refiero a la mikaela "si no has visto la primera no tendras ni idea"
no me quiero ni imaginar como seria ver evangelion con esta calidad
PD: linkin park tendra nuevamente a su cargo el sound track principal
++++amanecera y veremos++++
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
actores para zelda la pelicula

despues de dos espantos como los de arriba que mejor que deleitarse con nuestra zelda de carne, hueso y triforse
como no tengo nada que hacer y ya que no pude ir al anime wekend
este post va diriguido a todos los fans de zelda img oficiales de los actores de la pelicula
este post va diriguido a todos los fans de zelda img oficiales de los actores de la pelicula
si si si ya se que esta un poco vieja la info pero "a quien le inporta" sobre todo a mi jajaja
ya saben que me da igual cuando se publiquen las cosas siempre y cuando se vean mas o menos bien
bueno pero si no tienes idea de cuando,donde, por que o con quien se esta produciendo esta peli
mandame un correo a xion1313@hotmail.com y entonces publicare toda la info que e recopilado y creeme que es bastante
sin mas asta que me de la gana